Eagle Parents: We have noticed that students have begun wearing sweatpants since the weather has gotten colder. Please help us remind students that sweatpant are not approved bottoms according to our dress code policy. We appreciate your support with this. Sweatpants are pants made out of sweater material. If a student comes to school in sweatpants, they will be provided with clothes from our donated clothes closet. Thanks again for your help. :)
3 months ago, Elm Grove Middle School
EGMS Ice Cream next week! Wednesday, October 30th $2.00 all orders placed online: https://bossierparish.schoolcashonline.com/
3 months ago, Kristi Pierce
PURPLE UP, Eagles! It is now time for Bossier Chamber of Commerce's annual Purple UP t-shirt design contest. They have increased the award amount to $200. so this will be a great opportunity for three of our students. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have further questions. I have included the flyer with the information.
3 months ago, Kristi Pierce
REMINDER: For safety purposes, students should not be on campus until 7:05 a.m. Adult supervision is not available until then. Thank you for helping us keep your children safe.
3 months ago, Elm Grove Eagles
7:05 DropOff
Eagle Parents: Here are the steps to help with our school-wide fundraiser! It is our goal to raise funds to have more fun PBIS trips & rewards, new A/V equipment for assemblies, installing more security cameras for safety, and teacher professional development. We need your help in making this happen. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, please reach out to Sharon Pollock or Tracy Carter on the Rooms app.
3 months ago, Sharon Pollock
EGMS is starting a choir! We will meet in the Choir/String Room on Thursday afternoons from 2:30 PM until 3:15 PM. All that is required is a desire to sing and have fun making music! Join us on Thursday, October 24th after school. Please contact Dr. Maxey with any questions. You can find her in the AIM room (next to the Choir Room).
3 months ago, Kristi Pierce
Last Day to pay for Dallas trip. Only 16 tickets left!!! Day to Dallas for 7th & 8th Grade Elm Grove Eagles 80 seats available Make payments using SchoolCash Online: https://bossierparish.schoolcashonline.com/Fee/Details/10924/338/False/True Date: Saturday, Oct. 26, 2024 ITINERARY: 10:00 am - Students Arrive at School 10:30 am - Leave Elm Grove Middle School 01:30 pm - Buc-ee’s Stop (Restroom) 02:00 pm - Leave Buckee’s 03:00 pm - Arrival @ Grapevine Mills Mall - 3000 Grapevine Mills Pkwy, Grapevine, TX 76051 03:00 pm - 5:30 pm - Shop (Bring Money for Shopping) 04:30 pm - Meet at Food Court (Bring Money to Eat) 05:30 pm - Load Bus 06:00 pm - Arrival at American Airlines Center - 2500 Victory Ave, Dallas, TX 75219 07:00 pm - Hockey Game - Dallas Stars vs Chicago Blackhawks - $20 Given to students on a card to get Hot Dog and Drink. 09:00 pm - Game Ends 09:30 pm - Load Bus 10:00 pm - Buc-ee's Stop (Restroom) 1:00 am - Return to School
3 months ago, Elm Grove Middle School
We have had some parents ask for help with the app. We made a video that includes a few tips to help navigate the Rooms and BPSB app. Please watch this short how-to video. I hope this helps! Link to video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ee6Iv_zGQtaAhzdjI5jpFDVZd8jzayfu/view?usp=drive_link Included instructions: How to get notifications when EGMS posts to the app How to see all of your children's notification in one place How to message your child's teachers How to access the school calendar How to navigate the school feed and notifications
3 months ago, Elm Grove Middle School
ROUND 3 FOR SPIRITWEAR IS NOW OPEN. Please use the link below to order EGMS spirit wear. This link will close on 11/1 at 11:59PM. https://elmgrove-middle24-3.itemorder.com/
3 months ago, Elm Grove Eagles
Elm Grove Middle School Honors Assembly Monday, October 28th 6th Grade 9:45 - 10:30 7th Grade 12:15 - 1:00 8th Grade 1:30 - 2:15
3 months ago, Kristi Pierce
6th Grade Eagles: As part of our 6th grade science curriculum, we are excited to offer our students the opportunity to take part in two animal experiences. These opportunities will enhance the students' understanding of animal biology, habitats, and behavior, while also giving them the chance to interact with various animals.The Farm Ranch Zoo will bring goats and Snaketuary will bring snakes to school for students to be able to pet and view. Our guests will also speak to the students about the animals. Dates: Friday, October 25 Snaketuary Friday, November 1 Farm Ranch Zoo Important Notes: Both groups will be set up in the covered area and grass area by the cafeteria on campus Hand sanitizer stations and hand washing will be mandatory Please send optional donations of $2 or more (both groups operate on a donations basis) You can send cash with the permission slip, or pay through school cash online You can look up both groups on Facebook for more information
3 months ago, Kristi Pierce
Eagle Parents: If you or your child are coming to the Girl's Basketball jamboree tonight, please bring small bills to pay if possible. All banks were closed today so we have a limited amount of change available for our gate and concessions. Thanks!
3 months ago, Elm Grove Middle School
🎉It is FUNDRAISER TIME!! 🎉 Our fundraiser kicks off today. Students have 2 weeks to add adult contacts to their My Circle on the Money Dolly app. After those 2 weeks of onboarding, the app sends donation links out and your friends and family simply click the link to donate. Donations will be accepted for 2 weeks. Check out the graphics attached for more information and to see the prizes students can earn! Thanks for your support!!!!! 😍🥰
3 months ago, Elm Grove Middle School
Attention Eagles! Ready. Set. Fundraise! Tomorrow we will be kicking off our school-wide fundraiser! We will be partnering with Money Dolly this year and it requires students to download an app to their phone. We will do this all at school tomorrow and help student join our fundraiser. If you have parental controls on your child's phone, please go ahead and download the app tonight so they can set up their account tomorrow. DO NOT CREATE THE ACCOUNT TONIGHT. Students will need the campaign code and teacher info given by the teacher tomorrow. Please just download the app tonight to your child's phone if you can. This fundraiser requires no selling products, money collection, or product delivery. Students will need to download an app (or parent downloads it if student does not have a phone) and will enter the numbers of a few family and friends. More info on cash prizes and incentives will be shared tomorrow. :)
3 months ago, Elm Grove Middle School
Congratulations to our 24-25 Eagles Wrestling Team!
3 months ago, Dena Koury
Hooray 6th Grade! In collaboration with the Attorney General's office, our 6th grade students participated in an anti-vaping class during PE last week. 6th graders learned about the effects of vaping, and they each received a backpack, water bottle and this tee shirt. They have permission to wear the with uniform bottoms FRIDAY October 4th. These shirts can be worn on FRIDAYS ONLY for the remainder of the school year. Let’s be proactive, Eagles!
3 months ago, Elm Grove Middle School
Attention Eagle Parents! Thank you all so much for helping with our teacher treat so far. we have a few spots left. If you sign up, please bring the items to the front office by 8am tomorrow morning. thanks for all you do! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090548A8AC29A1FD0-51914461-apple
3 months ago, Elm Grove Middle School
Elm Grove Middle School has THE BEST custodial staff! Today is National Custodian Appreciation Day, but we appreciate this crew EVERY single day at EGMS. They work together to make our school safe, clean and welcoming for our students and staff.
3 months ago, Kristi Pierce
Eagles Shout Out! 7th grader Easton Owens spent the weekend showcasing his extraordinary talents on the electric guitar at Ki'Mexico, a local mexican restaurant. Easton is in our Eagle Band and Talented Music Program as well. Rock on Easton!
3 months ago, Elm Grove Middle School
****LOST & FOUND*** Please pick up in the office by Friday, October 4th. *Drink containers and lunch boxes will be disposed of before Fall Break if not picked up. *
3 months ago, Dena Koury