WoW! We have some amazing Eagles! Today we gathered for our Middle School Aerospace Assembly. Many of our students were recognized for their efforts.
Top honors went to the following students:
100% average (written and flight test)
Caroline Christner, Caden Fletcher, Aiden Lemond, Olivea Sibus, Macy DeLaune, Rayna Gamble, Kyleigh Lyons, and Ragan Stephenson.
Aerospace Art Drawing Contest: 3rd place, Abrielle Schlatre; 2nd place, Ashlyn Coffey; 1st place, Violet Chuculate-Ferguson
Flight Ace: Ragan Stephenson
Academic Ace: Rayna Gamble
ACE OF ACES: Caden Fletcher

Hey Eagles! We have 39 extra yearbooks from last year (2023-2024) that are for sale now. Use this link to buy a book of memories to treasure!

Congratulations to our 24-25 Archery Eagles Team!!!

Attention 8th Grade Eagle Parents! Tomorrow we will have our Aerospace Assembly in our Boys' Gym at 1:20. Parents of 8th graders are welcome to attend.

Hey Eagle Family! We are hosting a cheer mini camp on October 26th!
Come cheer with the EGMS Eagles! On October 26th, students in Kindergarten through 5th grade can come to a mini cheer clinic at EGMS. Cost is $20 and includes a t-shirt, cheer clinic, and a performance at the October 29th home football game!
Register at https://bit.ly/egmsminicamp

Reminder: School Pictures- Monday, September 23rd
Students will wear their uniforms. Your child will bring home a QR code on picture day. Please scan it to be notified when pictures are ready.

EGMS Lost and Found. Please pick up in the office.

Eagles Wrestling Tryouts: September 30 and October 2
2:30pm-4:00pm in the Girls' Gym
Open to all grades
*Permission slips are available to pick up in the front office and required in order to tryout.

EGMS Book Fair Coming Soon: September 20-27 during school hours.
A secure, cash-free way to shop the fair with Ewallet. Visit scholastic.com/fair to create a free account & set a spending limit.

SOBO Night this Thursday! Gates open at 5:30pm. Donations are being accepted for a non profit organization, The Farm Ranch Zoo. Please join us in this free community event!

Upcoming School Pictures: Monday, September 23rd
Students will wear their uniforms. Your child will bring home a QR code on picture day. Please scan it to be notified when pictures are ready.

GREAT NEWS! Round 2 Spiritwear is in and was delivered to your child in their 5th period class today. Have a great weekend.

BOSSIER SCHOOLS: Parents/Guardians, we want to make you aware that a parish-wide lockdown drill will take place this morning, Friday, September 13 at all schools to practice emergency safety procedures. This is only a drill.

Eagles Archery Clinic this Saturday! Must pay through school cash if you would like your child to attend. Please pick one time on Saturday.

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND!!! We will have an interest meeting for the EGMS 2026 Ireland/Scotland Trip, Thursday, September 12 at 6pm in the EGMS library. See you tonight!

Quick Reminder: 4-H interest meeting TODAY in the Library directly after school. Hope to see you there!

A round of applause for our newly elected 6th Grade Student Council. Congratulations!

Congratulations to our 7th and 8th Grade Lady Eagles Basketball Team! We can't wait to see you on the court.

Good morning Eagles! On Tuesday, Sept 17th from 12p to 1pm (4th period)--the Honorable Judge Jeff Cox will be on campus to speak to our 7th graders for Celebrate Freedom Week/Constitution Day.
We will speak on the importance of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, we will be in the boys gym.

Happy Monday Eagles! Interested in 4-H? There will be an interest meeting this Thursday, September 12th in the Library directly after school. Hope to see you there!